BBC Mission & Vision

Friday, July 14, 2006

Organisational Model

The organisational model describes the roles and responsibilities of the various leadership entities, and how the entities relate to each other.

The purpose of the organisational model is to facilitate an effective organisation structure.

BBC Draft:


  • A specific problem that we have to solve on the organisation model is the interaction between Ministry Leaders and the rest of BBC leadership.
    I raised the concern in the past that we don't give ministry leaders nearly enough support and while we have tried to improve this is still the case.

    By Blogger Atholl, at 11:23 pm  

  • Craig; I agree 100% with you comments about Deacons but I don't think it is feasable to have one Elders committee that covers everything that you mention:
    1)Understanding, Communicating and Implementing Gods plans for BBC.
    2)Praying, Disciplining, Understanding doctrine, Pastoring

    The range of gifts and as well as interests is too big to have one committee that is efficient.

    Gareth has mentioned the idea of a Leadership council to take on the responsibility for point 1) above. I think making these people Elders is quite a good idea.

    Maybe we could have a bigger group of Elders where the Elders play a primary role of either 1) or 2). The two groups could meet individually every second meeting to dicuss focussed issues.

    By Blogger Atholl, at 11:09 am  

  • Organisational Model:
    If we go with Craig's suggestion for Deacons I would suggest the following:
    Identify two Deacons for each core ministry, these deacons meet as a big group once every two months to pray, share progress and co-ordinate future work. This meeting will not have any descision making authority as a group.
    I suggest the following core ministries which must include the work that the fulltime staff do:
    Childrens including KFC, Kids Church and Noah's Ark
    Youth including Acts29 and Teen church
    BBC Community including Prayer, Care, Families, Councilling
    Outreach & Missions
    Sunday Service including Teaching, Praise & Worship
    Discipleship cell groups, evangelsim
    Operations including Finance, Internal Audit, Maintenance, Office Admin, IT, Info & Communications

    By Blogger Atholl, at 8:33 am  

  • I think I've finally got my head around what I think about church leadership, I would appreciate your comments.

    Church Leadership

    Executive – involved in a hands on, proactive fashion on a regular basis (not necessarily full time)
    Non-Executive – give guidance and direction but in a background role

    • Every Elder should play an executive and a non-executive role in the church
    • The Elders are ultimately responsible for everything that happens in the church but this responsibility is in a non-executive capacity
    • All Elders should play all of the roles of an Elder in a Non-Executive capacity including Teaching, Shepherding, Prayer, Guarding Truth and Overseeing
    • Every Elder should also play one or more of the roles of an Elder in an Executive capacity
    • The board of Elders delegates their authority to the people who have been identified to play an executive role in a specific area.
    • One key point on delegation is the non-executives must let the executives in a specific area do things in the way they feel is most appropriate. The non-executives should not get involved if the style is different to what they would have done unless the executives do something that is outside of specific biblical principles or agreed strategy

    • The Non-executive leadership role must be played by the Elders because they are overall responsible for the church
    • The Executive leadership can be played by a number of people who may or may not be Elders
    • The most senior Executive leadership positions must be filled by people who are either Elders or who qualify as Elders

    • Deacons by definition can’t be non-executive they must be an executive role in a specific area

    By Blogger Atholl, at 7:53 am  


    This is the first church that I've seen spell out their organisational model on their website. I'm not sure I agree with everything (they have 70 Elders) but it is interesting.

    By Blogger Atholl, at 7:14 pm  

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