BBC Mission & Vision

Sunday, May 14, 2006


Please use comments to add Threatss. Threats are those things that would prevent or contrain us from changing or things that could oppose the current environement.

Threats from Comments

  • False doctrine surfacing in all different formats (inside and outside the church)
  • A big threat for me is that the church is becoming irrelevant to the average Northern suburbs person


  • A big threat for me is that the church is becoming irrelevant to the average Northern suburbs person. They are quite happy if you attend church as long as you don't bug them about it.

    Jesus was never ignored, people loved him or hated him but they never ignored him.

    By Blogger Atholl, at 11:26 pm  

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    By Blogger Atholl, at 9:23 pm  

  • I think for BBC to move forward we need to answer some critical questions - this is a threat because I don't think that we are all on the same page on these issues:
    1) Who is the Sunday morning service targeted at and what is it's objective?
    2) Are we looking to make evolutionary or revolutionary changes?
    3) What is the way forward on plural leadership and multiple speakers?
    4) What % of time should the pastoral team spend on Proactive vs Reactive pastoring?

    By Blogger Atholl, at 8:01 am  

  • Threats:

    In response to Atholl

    1) Who is the Sunday morning service targeted at and what is it's objective?

    In terms of the target audience, we should not be exclusive in terms of demographics but rather be focussed ito spirtual needs such as:
    1) Seeker Sensitives
    2) New believers
    3) Encouraging/motivational word for the mature chrustians. THis would be the hardest group to statisfy, however, if the topics are very practical or very inspiring, they could probably do the job. Anything in between probably won't touch sides.

    By Blogger Roger, at 9:29 pm  

  • Threats:

    In response to Atholl

    2) Are we looking to make evolutionary or revolutionary changes?

    We need to move quickly. 13:30 Has shown what is possible with leadership, creativity and vision.

    The morning service should be doing likewise.

    Also, the longer we leave it the more riskier of polarisation between AM and PM services and the people that attend. This is not a healthy situation.

    By Blogger Roger, at 9:31 pm  

  • Threats:

    In response to Atholl

    THe way forward should be for us to set ourselves a completion date including what we have, plus a new organisational model and plus a strategy map

    We need to present it to the elders and then also prepare to maybe re-hash the ground with the elders presnets. I sugesst a 2-3 day offsite workshop.

    By Blogger Roger, at 9:33 pm  

  • Threats:

    In response to Atholl

    4) What % of time should the pastoral team spend on Proactive vs Reactive pastoring?

    This topic could b disucess when we complete the strategy.

    By Blogger Roger, at 9:35 pm  

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